List of Participants

2.412 participants and 208 accompanying persons has finally arrived to Prague to attend the XXVIth GA IAU. 2.399 people is listed here those who agreed to publish their initials on the web while registered

List of accompanying persons in not at disposal

all records | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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1. Pacini Franco Italy
2. Padilla-Torres Carmen Pilar Spain
3. Padoan Paolo USA
4. Padovani Paolo Germany
5. Pagano Isabella Italy
6. Pakstiene Erika Lithuania
7. Pakuliak Ludmila Ukraine
8. Palacios Ana France
9. Palous Jan Czech Republic
10. Paltani Stephane Switzerland
11. Pan Xiaopei USA
12. Panchuk Vladimir Russian Federation
13. Pandey S. K. India
14. Pandey Vishambhar Nath India
15. Pankonin Vernon USA
16. Paolicchi Paolo Italy
17. Papaderos Polychronis Germany
18. Paparo Margit Hungary
19. Papovich Casey USA
20. Papushev Pavel Russian Federation
21. Parimucha Stefan Slovakia
22. Park Jang-Hyun Korea, RP (South Korea)
23. Park Young-Deuk Korea, RP (South Korea)
24. Parmentier Genevieve United Kingdom
25. Partridge Bruce USA
26. Pasachoff Jay USA
27. Pascual-Sanchez J.-Fernando Spain
28. Pasian Fabio Italy
29. Pastoriza Miriani Griselda Brazil
30. Patkos Eniko Germany
31. Patruno Alessandro Netherlands
32. Paumard Thibaut Germany
33. Pavlovski Kresimir Croatia
34. Peach Gillian United Kingdom
35. Peacock Tone Netherlands
36. Pearson Chris Japan
37. Pearson John USA
38. Pecker Jean-Claude France
39. Peebles P. James E. USA
40. Pellerin Anne USA
41. Pello Roser France
42. Pence William USA
43. Pendharkar Jayant Kumar India
44. Peng Chien USA
45. Percy John Canada
46. Perek Lubos Czech Republic
47. Peres Giovanni Italy
48. Peretto Nicolas United Kingdom
49. Perkins Adam United Kingdom
50. Perkins Kala USA
51. Peroux Celine Germany
52. Persi Paolo Italy
53. Peters Geraldine USA
54. Peters William USA
55. Peterson Bruce Australia
56. Peterson Dawn USA
57. Peterson Ruth USA
58. Petit Gerard France
59. Petit Pascal France
60. Petr-Gotzens Monika Germany
61. Petri Jerome Germany
62. Pfenniger Daniel Switzerland
63. Pfleiderer Jorg Austria
64. Phelps Randy USA
65. Philip A. G. Davis USA
66. Phillips Robin Canada
67. Pickwick Alan United Kingdom
68. Pierce-Price Douglas Germany
69. Pigatto Luisa Italy
70. Pigulski Andrzej Poland
71. Pilachowski Catherine USA
72. Pineda de Carias Maria Cristina Honduras
73. Pinigin Gennadiy Ukraine
74. Pintado Olga Argentina
75. Piontek Robert Germany
76. Piotto Giampaolo Italy
77. Pireaux Sophie France
78. Piskunov Nikolai Sweden
79. Pitjeva Elena Russian Federation
80. Pittichova Jana USA
81. Pizzichini Graziella Italy
82. Plackova Eliska Czech Republic
83. Platais Imants USA
84. Plucinsky Paul USA
85. Pohlen Michael Netherlands
86. Pollas Christian France
87. Pols Onno Netherlands
88. Pomares Melanie France
89. Ponti Gabriele Italy
90. Pooley David USA
91. Popescu Nedelia Antonia Romania
92. Popescu Petre Romania
93. Popovic Luka Serbia, Rep of
94. Portegies Zwart Simon Netherlands
95. Portinari Laura Finland
96. Porubcan Vladimir Slovakia
97. Pottasch Stuart Netherlands
98. Pouliquen Isabelle France
99. Pounds Ken United Kingdom
100. Pourbaix Dimitri Belgium
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