Registration List

1379 applicants have sent their registration requests for XXVI GA IAU (41 names are listed here, those who agreed to publish their names).

535 from these are with status confirmed (529 those who agreed to publish their names).

When is the registration CONFIRMED:
- registration form has been received, the status of an invited participant has been fixed, payment of the registration fee has been processed
When is the registration PENDING:
- registration form has been received, the status of an invited participant is open, payment of the registration fee has not been processed

all records | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

1. Fabrika Sergei Russian Federation pending
2. Falceta-Gonçalves Diego Brazil pending
3. Falcke Heino Netherlands confirmed
4. Famaey Benoit Belgium confirmed
5. Fan Junhui China Nanjing pending
6. Fang Cheng China Nanjing confirmed
7. Farbiash Netzach Israel pending
8. Faridi Ayub Pakistan pending
9. Farnik Frantisek Czech Republic confirmed
10. Fedele Davide Germany pending
11. Federman Steven USA confirmed
12. Fekel Francis USA pending
13. Feretti Luigina Italy confirmed
14. Ferrand Gilles France confirmed
15. Ferrarese Laura Canada pending
16. Fey Alan USA pending
17. Fienga Agnes France pending
18. Fiestas Jose Germany pending
19. Figueredo Elysandra United Kingdom pending
20. Filgaira Herminia Spain pending
21. Flanchik Alexander Ukraine pending
22. Fogelstrom Sara Sweden pending
23. Foing Bernard Netherlands pending
24. Forbes Duncan Australia pending
25. Forgacs-Dajka Emese Hungary pending
26. Fossat Eric France pending
27. Franck Siegfried Germany pending
28. Franco Isabel Germany pending
29. Franz Otto USA confirmed
30. Fraternali Filippo Italy pending
31. Fregeau John USA pending
32. Freire Paulo USA pending
33. Freitas Mourão Ronaldo Rogerio de Brazil pending
34. Freyhammer Lars Michael United Kingdom pending
35. Fritzova-Svestka Ludmila Netherlands pending
36. Froeschle Christiane France confirmed
37. Froeschle Claude France confirmed
38. Fujishita Mitsumi Japan confirmed
39. Fujiwara Tomoko Japan pending
40. Fukushima Toshio Japan pending
41. Funes Jose USA confirmed


Important Dates:

  • End of early registration
    May 31, 2006
  • Recommended deadline for hotel booking
    June 1, 2006
  • End of abstract submission
    June 26, 2006