List of Registered Participants

SPS1 - Astronomical Facilities of the Next Decade


When is the registration CONFIRMED:
- registration form has been received, the status of an invited participant has been fixed, payment of the registration fee has been processed
When is the registration PENDING:
- registration form has been received, the status of an invited participant is open, payment of the registration fee has not been processed

Go to the Registration List in Total

all records | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

1. Ma Chopo USA
2. Maccagni Dario Italy
3. Madsen Claus Germany
4. Madsen Greg Australia
5. Maillard Jean-Pierre France
6. Malaroda Stella Argentina
7. Malofeev Valery Russian Federation
8. Mamajek Eric USA
9. Manchado Arturo Spain
10. Manchester Richard Australia
11. Marchiori Gianpietro Italy
12. Marquart Thomas Sweden
13. Martin Christopher USA
14. Martin Crystal USA
15. Martinez Vicent J. Spain
16. Martínez-Roger Carlos Spain
17. Martioli Eder Brazil
18. Marvel Kevin USA
19. Mather John USA
20. Mathys Gautier Chile
21. Matthews Jaymie Canada
22. Mattila Kalevi Finland
23. Mattox John USA
24. Mayer Pavel Czech Republic
25. Mazeh Tsevi Israel
26. McAlister Harold USA
27. McCutcheon William Canada
28. McDavid David USA
29. McGrath Melissa USA
30. McGregor Peter Australia
31. McKenna Dan USA
32. McLean Ian USA
33. McMillan Robert USA
34. Medina Jose Spain
35. Melinder Jens Sweden
36. Melnick Jorge Chile
37. Menzies John South Africa
38. Micela Giuseppina Italy
39. Michalowski Stefan France
40. Michaud Peter USA
41. Michel Patrick France
42. Mickaelian Areg Armenia
43. Milani Andrea Italy
44. Milkey Robert USA
45. Minchin Robert USA
46. Minier Vincent France
47. Mizumoto Yoshihiko Japan
48. Mizuno Norikazu Japan
49. Moderski Rafal Poland
50. Moffat Anthony Canada
51. Moldon Francisco Javier Spain
52. Momcheva Ivelina USA
53. Monnet Guy Germany
54. Montojo Salazar Francisco Javier Spain
55. Moran James USA
56. Moseley Harvey USA
57. Mould Jeremy USA
58. Mueller Michael Germany
