Special Session SPS3a, b

Thursday 17 August 2006
Session I - Introductory Review
14:00-14:30A. Lawrence
The Virtual Observatory : what it is and where it came from (Invited) [ppt]
Session II - AGN and galaxies
14:30-15:00K. Kuijken
Large Surveys and the VO (Invited) [ppt]
15:00-15:15R. Hanisch
A VO study of SDSS AGN with X-ray emission from ROSAT pointed observations [ppt]
15:15-15:30L. Dobos
The Hungarian VO [ppt]
16:00-16:15M. Guinazzi
A VO-based solution to the origin of soft X-ray emission in obscured AGN [ppt]
16:15-16:45B. Vollmer
Determination of radio spectra from catalogues and identification of GHz peaked sources using the VO [ppt]
16:45Y. Shirasaki
Study on the environment around QSOs with redshift of 1.3 using the JVO system [ppt]
Friday 18 August 2006
Session III - Large Facilities and Data Archives
09:30-09:45P. Padovani
Towards a VO compliant ESO Science Archive [ppt]
09:45-10:15S. Koposov
SAI Catalogue Access Services [odp]
10:15-10:30S. Wolk
An archive of Chandra observations of regions of star formation (ANCHORS) [ppt]
11:00-11:45G. Gilmore
End-to-end science from major facilities: does the VO have a role ? (Invited) [ppt]
11:45-12:00B. Whitmore
Prototype development for a Hubble Legacy Archive [ppt]
12:00-12:30Demonstrations / Posters
Session IV - Stars and galaxies
14:00-14:30A. Tyson
New generation wide-fast-deep optical surveys: Petabytes from the sky (Invited) [ppt]
14:30-14:45P. Prema
Galaxy formation and evolution using multi-wavelength, multi-resolution imaging data in the Virtual Observatory [ppt]
14:45-15:00B. Whitmore
NVO study of Super Star Clusters in nearby galaxies [ppt]
15:00-15:15A. Mickaelian
Science projects with the Armenian Virtual Observatory [ppt]
15:15-15:30N. Walton
Mapping Galactic Spiral Arm structure : the IPHAS survey and Virtual Observatory access[ppt]
16:00-16:15O. Malkov
Large surveys and determination of interstellar extinction [ppt]
16:15-16:30E. Solano
Discovery and characterisation of Brown Dwarfs mining large-area surveys [ppt]
16:30-16:45D. Montes
Criteria for spectral classification of cool stars using high resolution spectra [ppt]
16:45-17:00J. Gomez
Extracting parameters for stellar populations synthesis from SDSS galaxy spectra using evolution strategies [ppt]
17:00P. Skoda
Virtual Observatory as a tool for stellar spectroscopy [odp]
Monday 21 August 2006
Session V - VO Technology and Projects
09:00-09:30I. Foster
Grid technology and multi-disciplinary science (Invited) [ppt]
09:30-09:45F. Pasian
Interconnecting the Virtual Observatory with computational grid infrastructures [pps]
09:45-10:00L. Kalinichenko
Subject Mediation approach for scientific problem solving in Virtual Observatories [ppt]
10:00-10:15S. Derriere
An ontology of astronomical object types for the VO [pdf]
10:15-10:30E. Shaya
OWLviper - a semantics based analysis and query tool [ppt]
11:00-11:30A. Kembhavi
The Virtual Observatory Paradigm and National Projects (Invited) [ppt]
11:30-11:45G. Eichorn
Connecting the literature with on-line data [ppt]
11:45-12:00J. Zhou
Astrophysical Integrated Research Environment [ppt]
12:00-12:15G. Verdoes Keijn
The Astro-Wise system : a federated information accumulator for astronomy [ppt]
12:15-12:30Demonstrations / Posters
Session VI - Large surveys
14:00-14:45N. Yasuda
Wide Field optical surveys (Invited) [ppt]
14:45-15:00N. Phillip
Photometric identification of quasars and AGN from the Sloan survey
15:00-15:15R. Lucas
A multiwavelength study of a sample of Texas Radio Survey Steep Spectrum Sources [ppt]
15:15-15:30E. Gonzales-Solares
Near-IR properties of Spitzer selected sources [ppt]
Session VII - Solar System science
16:00-16:30F. Hill
Solar Physics with the Virtual Solar Observatory (Invited) [ppt]
16:30-16:45A. Santillan
Mexican Virtual Solar Observatory project [ppt]
16:45-17:00S. Dalla
Solar Active Region emergence and flare productivity [ppt]
17:00-17:15T. Sergeeva
Solar System Bodies : "Observations in the Past" with Plate Archive of Main Astronomical Observatory of Ukrainian NAS [ppt]
17:15W. Thuillot
Massive physical and dynamical characterisation of asteroids [ppt]
Tuesday 22 August 2006
Session VIII - VO Applications
09:00-09:30A. Szalay
Future directions of the VO (Invited) [ppt]
09:30-09:45E. Slezak
Image processing and scientific workflows in the Virtual Observatory context [pps]
09:45-10:00M. Louys
Implementing astronomical image analysis pipelines using VO standards [ppt]
10:00-10:15N. Urunkar
VOMegaPlot : efficient plotting of large VOTable datasets [ppt]
10:15-10:30A. Richards
The MERLINImager - a customised radio interferometry image server provided by AstroGrid [sxi]
11:00-11:15G. Berriman
Science Applications of the Montage image mosaic engine [ppt]
11:15-11:30U. Becciani
VisiVO : an interoperable visualisation tool for VO data [ppt]
11:30S. Gaudet
"Re-tooling" Data Centre infrastructure to support the VO [ppt]
Session IX - Closing Review
11:30F. Genova
Conference Summary (Invited) [ppt]

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