List of Registered Participants

SPS3 b - The Virtual Observatory in Action: New Science, New Technology, and Next Generation Facilities


When is the registration CONFIRMED:
- registration form has been received, the status of an invited participant has been fixed, payment of the registration fee has been processed
When is the registration PENDING:
- registration form has been received, the status of an invited participant is open, payment of the registration fee has not been processed

Go to the Registration List in Total

all records | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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401. Vidojević Sonja Serbia, Rep of
402. Vilchez Jose M. Spain
403. Vittone Alberto Angelo Italy
404. Voges Wolfgang Germany
405. Vollmer Bernd France
406. Vrtilek Saeqa USA
407. Walton Nicholas United Kingdom
408. Wang Guomin China Nanjing
409. Webster Rachel Australia
410. Weis Edward USA
411. Weiss Achim Germany
412. Whitelock Patricia South Africa
413. Whiting Alan United Kingdom
414. Williams Iwan United Kingdom
415. Williams Roy USA
416. Wolf Marek Czech Republic
417. Wolk Scott USA
418. Yamaoka Hitoshi Japan
419. Yaqoob Tahir USA
420. Yasuda Naoki Japan
421. Ye Shuhua China Nanjing
422. Yishamuding Aili China Nanjing
423. Zejda Miloslav Czech Republic
424. Zhang Shuang Nan China Nanjing
425. Zhao Yongheng China Nanjing
426. Zhelenkova Olga Russian Federation
427. Zhou Jianfeng China Nanjing
428. Zhu Jin China Nanjing
429. Zinnecker Hans Germany
430. Zwitter Tomaž Slovenia
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