Joint Discussion JD03

Wednesday 16 August 2006
Magnetic field in the convection zone
09:00-10:30D. Nandy
Generation and dynamics of magnetic fields in the solar convection zone
S.B.F. Dorch
Flux ropes in the magnetic solar convection zone: Numerical simulations
V.N. Kryvodubskyj
Sign change of helicity parameter in the solar convection zone and observed meridional migration
O.S. Gopasyuk
Torsional oscillations of a sunspot umbra
Photospheric magnetic fields
11:00-12:30S.K. Solanki
Quiet Sun magnetic fields
L. Rouppe van der Voort
High resolution observations of solar magnetic fields
R. Schlichenmaier
The fine-structure of a sunspot penumbra
J.C. Ramirez Velez, A. Lopez Ariste, M. Semel
Inversion of solar magnetic fields in photospheric quiet regions
Chromospheric magnetic fields
14:00-15:30J. Harvey
Large-scale chromospheric magnetic fields
K.S. Balasubramaniam
Challenges for chromospheric spectropolarimetry
K.D. Leka, T.R. Metcalf, D.L. Mickey, G. Barnes
Observations of the chromospheric magnetic field in solar active regions
Y. Hanaoka
Simultaneous full-Stokes imaging polarimetry observations in Fe I 6303 and H-alpha
C. Sasso, A. Lagg, S.K. Solanki
Multi-component analysis of a flaring region in the chromospheric He I 1083.0 nm triplet
Coronal magnetic fields and radio observations
16:00-17:30K. Shibasaki
Microwave measurements of coronal magnetic field
T. Bastian
Radio diagnostics of magnetic fields in the solar corona
C.L. Selhorst, J.E.R. Costa, A.V.R. Silva
Study of magnetic fields in solar active regions from radio observations
M.T. Song, C. Fang, Y.H. Tang, S.T. Wu, Y.A. Zhang
A fast extrapolation method for reconstructing the coronal nonlinear force-free field
A. Asai, T.T. Ishii, K. Shibata, N. Gopalswamy
Anemone structure of Active Region NOAA 10798 and related geo-effective flares/CMEs
Thursday 17 August 2006
Activity processes and phenomena I
09:00 - 10:30J.A. Linker, Z. Mikic, R. Lionello, V.S. Titov, P. Riley
Modelling active region magnetic fields in the context of the global corona
C.A. Mandrini
Magnetic Field Topology and Observed Energy Release Locations
L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, C.P. Goff, P. Demoulin, J.L. Culhane, K.L. Klein, C.H. Mandrini, S.A. Matthews, K.L. Harra, H. Kurokawa
Build-up of a CME and its interaction with large-scale magnetic structures
D.P. Choudhary, K.S. Balasubramaniam
Dynamical properties of moving magnetic features of sunspots
W. Livingston, J. Harvey, O. Malanushenko, L. Webster
Sunspot magnetic fields measured up to 6000 Gauss
Activity processes and phenomena II
11:00-12:30H. Zhang
Observational study of solar magnetic field and eruption phenomena at Huairou solar observing station
K.K. Reeves, H.P. Warren, T.G. Forbes
Using a loss-of-equilibrium CME model to predict X-ray and EUV emissions resulting from solar flares
P. Kaufmann, A.M. Melo, R. Marcon, A.S. Kudaka, A. Marun, P. Pereyra, J.-P. Raulin, H. Levato
Search for high energy particle acceleration signatures in the submillimetre-visible solar flare emission spectrum
Y. Liu
Fast halo coronal mass ejections and configuration of magnetic field
 J. Klimchuk - Summary

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